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ESGmax is a product from Bake Four S.r.l. Tax ID: 12913870965

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It's simpler, together

Empower stakeholders to collaborate seamlessly and you'll craft a report that's not just user-friendly, but a breeze to compare. It makes it a cinch for everyone to grasp the impact each company has in its ecosystem.

Co-founded by

You can find us here, too!

It's simpler, together

Empower stakeholders to collaborate seamlessly and you'll craft a report that's not just user-friendly, but a breeze to compare. It makes it a cinch for everyone to grasp the impact each company has in its ecosystem.

It's simpler, together

Empower stakeholders to collaborate seamlessly and you'll craft a report that's not just user-friendly, but a breeze to compare. It makes it a cinch for everyone to grasp the impact each company has in its ecosystem.

EsgMax is a product from Bake Four S.r.l. Tax ID: 12913870965

Co-founded by

You can find us here, too!

ESGmax is a product from Bake Four S.r.l. Tax ID: 12913870965

Co-founded by

You can find us here, too!

It's simpler, together

Empower stakeholders to collaborate seamlessly and you'll craft a report that's not just user-friendly, but a breeze to compare. It makes it a cinch for everyone to grasp the impact each company has in its ecosystem.



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